Standard Beamviewer (EBV: ESRF Beam Viewer)

Configuration and composition of an EBV is described here: ESRF BeamViewer Configuration.


Global status

BLISS [16]: ebv
  Out [16]: EBV [myebv] (wago: wcid15ab)
                screen : OUT
                led    : OFF
                foil   : NONE
                diode range   : 10uA
                diode current : 0 mA

SCREEN control

BLISS [12]: myebv.screen_in()
BLISS [13]: myebv.screen_status
  Out [13]: 'IN'

BLISS [14]: myebv.screen_out()
BLISS [15]: myebv.screen_status
  Out [15]: 'OUT'

LED control

BLISS [22]: myebv.led_on()
BLISS [23]: myebv.led_status
  Out [23]: 'ON'

BLISS [24]: myebv.led_off()
BLISS [25]: myebv.led_status
  Out [25]: 'OFF'

FOIL control

If EBV has no foil, you’ll get:

BLISS [26]: myebv.foil_status
  Out [26]: 'NONE'
Trying to use it will raise error:
BLISS [27]: myebv.foil_in()
!!! === RuntimeError: No foil on EBV [myebv] === !!! ( for more details type cmd 'last_error' )
BLISS [28]: myebv.foil_out()
!!! === RuntimeError: No foil on EBV [myebv] === !!! ( for more details type cmd 'last_error' )

If your EBV has a foil:

BLISS [12]: myebv.foil_in()
BLISS [13]: myebv.foil_status
  Out [13]: 'IN'

BLISS [14]: myebv.foil_out()
BLISS [15]: myebv.foil_status
  Out [15]: 'OUT'

DIODE current reading

The current diode value is returned always in mA

BLISS [39]: myebv.current
  Out [39]: 1.52587890625e-06
Raw reading of the underlying wago without gain correction is accessible by myebv.raw_current. The value returned is in the 0-10V range.

DIODE range control

Changing diode range using string format:

BLISS [41]: myebv.diode_range_available
  Out [41]: ['1mA', '100uA', '10uA', '1uA', '100nA', '10nA']

BLISS [42]: myebv.diode_range
  Out [42]: '10uA'

BLISS [43]: myebv.diode_range = "100uA"
BLISS [44]: myebv.diode_range
  Out [44]: '100uA'

You can also access the floating value of gain used to convert reading to mA:

BLISS [44]: myebv.diode_range
  Out [44]: '100uA'

BLISS [45]: myebv.diode_gain
  Out [45]: 10.0

BLISS [46]: myebv.diode_range = "10nA"
BLISS [47]: myebv.diode_gain
  Out [47]: 100000.0

Setting the floating gain is possible. Range will be chosen to include the maximum desired gain given:

BLISS [48]: myebv.diode_gain = 500
BLISS [49]: myebv.diode_range
  Out [49]: '1uA'

BLISS [50]: myebv.diode_gain
  Out [50]: 1000.0

Diode as a counter

The diode reading can be used as a sampling counter.

BLISS [51]: ct(.1, myebv)
Tue Oct 22 18:17:36 2019

diode = -2.44140625e-07 (-2.44140625e-06/s)

Default counter name is diode but can be changed in configuration. Counter object is accessible though myebv.diode. So either myebv or myebv.diode can be added to measurement group (ebv hold only one sampling counter).