Data saving




SCAN_SAVING is a per session structure to tell BLISS how to save data.

Access it with .scan_saving property of Session object.

From Bliss Shell you have also access to a global variable SCAN_SAVING that refers to current_session.scan_saving.


  Out [1]: Parameters (default) -

             .base_path            = '/tmp/toto/'
             .data_filename        = 'data'
             .user_name            = 'guilloud'
             .template             = '{session}/'
             .images_path_relative = True
             .images_path_template = 'scan{scan_number}'
             .images_prefix        = '{img_acq_device}_'
             .date_format          = '%Y%m%d'
             .scan_number_format   = '%04d'
             .session              = 'cyril'
             .date                 = '20190926'
             .scan_name            = 'scan name'
             .scan_number          = 'scan number'
             .img_acq_device       = '<images_* only> acquisition device name'
             .writer               = 'hdf5'
             .creation_date        = '2019-08-23-10:08'
             .last_accessed        = '2019-09-26-16:09'
           --------------  ---------  -----------------------
           does not exist  filename   /tmp/toto/cyril/data.h5
           exists          root_path  /tmp/toto/cyril/
           --------------  ---------  -----------------------

base_path corresponds to the top-level directory where scans are stored. Then, template completes the path. It uses Python’s string interpolation syntax to specify how to build the file path from key values. Keys can be freely added. Key values can be numbers or strings, or functions. In case of function key values, the function return value is used.

SCAN_SAVING.get() performs template string interpolation and returns a dictionary, whose key root_path is the final path to scan files.


  • base_path: the highest level directory for the file path, e.g. /data
  • user_name: the current Unix user name
  • session: current BLISS session name
  • template: defaults to {session}/
  • .add(key, value): add a new key (string) to the SCAN_SAVING structure
    • value can be a scalar or a function
  • .get_path(): returns the build directory path where the data file will be saved.
  • .get(): evaluates template ; produces a dictionary with 5 keys
    • root_path: base_path + interpolated template
    • data_path: fullpath for the data file without the extension.
    • images_path: path where image device should save (Lima)
    • parent: parent node for publishing data via Redis
    • writer: Data file writer object.


As the ScanSaving object corresponds to a persistent structure in Redis, functions as key values will be serialized. Make sure the functions are serializable.


.writer is a special member of SCAN_SAVING; it indicates which writer to use for saving data. BLISS only supports the HDF5 file format for scan data, although more writers could be added to the project later.

Configuration example

template configuration example

In this example SCAN_SAVING we will add two extra parameters (sample and experiment) and use them to generate the final path.

DEMO [1]: # Set the base path to /data/visitor:
DEMO [2]: SCAN_SAVING.base_path = '/data/visitor'

DEMO [3]: # Add the two new parameters:
DEMO [4]: SCAN_SAVING.add('sample','lysozyme')
DEMO [5]: SCAN_SAVING.add('experiment','mx1921')

DEMO [6]: # Use them in the template:
DEMO [7]: SCAN_SAVING.template = '{experiment}/{sample}'

DEMO [8]: # result:
 Out [8]: Parameters (default) -

             .base_path            = '/data/visitor''
             .data_filename        = 'data'
             .user_name            = 'guilloud'
             .template             = '{experiment}/{sample}'
             .images_path_relative = True
             .images_path_template = 'scan{scan_number}'
             .images_prefix        = '{img_acq_device}_'
             .date_format          = '%Y%m%d'
             .scan_number_format   = '%04d'
             .experiment           = 'mx1921'
             .session              = 'cyril'
             .date                 = '20190926'
             .scan_name            = 'scan name'
             .scan_number          = 'scan number'
             .img_acq_device       = '<images_* only> acquisition device name'
             .sample               = 'lysozyme'
             .writer               = 'hdf5'
             .creation_date        = '2019-08-23-10:08'
             .last_accessed        = '2019-09-26-16:09'
            --------------  ---------  -------------------------------------
            does not exist  filename   /data/visitor/mx1921/lysozyme/data.h5
            exists          root_path  /data/visitor/mx1921/lysozyme
            --------------  ---------  -------------------------------------
DEMO [9]: SCAN_SAVING.get_path()
 Out [9]: '/data/visitor/mx1921/lysozyme'

In a case the experiment can be get automatically, experiment can be set as a function:

DEMO [10]: def get_experiment(scan_saving):
              ...:     if scan_saving.user_name == 'seb':
              ...:        return 'mx1921'
              ...:     else:
              ...:        return 'unknown'

DEMO [11]: SCAN_SAVING.add('experiment',get_experiment)
DEMO [12]: SCAN_SAVING.get_path()
 Out [12]: '/data/visitor/mx1921/lysozyme'

DEMO [13]: SCAN_SAVING.user_name='toto'
DEMO [14]: SCAN_SAVING.get_path()
 Out [14]: '/data/visitor/unknown/lysozyme'

Programers note

SCAN_SAVING is a ParametersWardrobe.

from bliss/common/

class Session:
    def setup(self, env_dict=None, verbose=False):
        env_dict["SCAN_SAVING"] = ScanSaving(

from bliss/scanning/

class ScanSaving(ParametersWardrobe):
    SLOTS = []
    WRITER_MODULE_PATH = "bliss.scanning.writer"

    def __init__(self, name=None):
        _default_values = {
            "base_path": "/tmp/scans",
            "data_filename": "data",

    def get(self):
            # calculate all parameters
        except KeyError as keyname:
            raise RuntimeError("Missing %s attribute in ScanSaving" % keyname)