Writing a BLISS controller

Here you can find somt tips about the wrinting of a BLISS controller.

@autocomplete_property decorator

In many controllers, the @property decorator is heavily used to protect certain attributes of the instance or to limit the access to read-only. When using the bliss command line interface the autocompletion will not suggeste any completion based on the return value of the method underneath the property.

This is a wanted behavior e.g. in case this would trigger hardware communication. There are however also usecases where a deeper autocompletion is wanted.


“↹” represents the action of pressing the “Tab” key of the keyboard.

Example: the .counter namespace of a controller. If implemented as @property:

BLISS [1]: lima_simulator.counters. 

Would not show any autocompletion suggestions. To enable deeper autocompletion a special decorator called @autocomplete_property must be used.

from bliss.common.utils import autocomplete_property

class Lima(object):
    def counters(self):
        all_counters = [self.image]

Using this decorator would result in autocompletion suggestions:

BLISS [1]: lima_simulator.counters. 

The __info__() method for Bliss shell


  • Any Bliss controller that is visible to the user in the command line should have an __info__() function implemented!
  • The return type of __info__() must be str, otherwhise it fails and __repr__() is used as fallback!
  • As a rule of thumb: the retrun value of a custom __repr__() implementation should not contain \n and should be inspired by the standard implementation of __repr__() in python.

In Bliss, __info__() is used by the command line interface (Bliss shell or Bliss repl) to enquire information of the internal state of any object / controller in case it is available.

This is used to have simple way to get (detailed) information that is needed from a user point of view to use the object. This is in contrast to the build-in python function __repr__(), which should return a short summary of the concerned object from the developer point of view. The Protocol that is put in place in the Bliss shell is the following:

  • if the return value of a statement entered into the Bliss shel is a python object with __info__() implemented this __info__() function will be called by the Bliss shell to display the output. As a fallback option (__info__() not implemented) the standard behavior of the interactive python interpreter involving __repr__ is used. (For details about __repr__ see next section.)

Here is an example for the lima controller that is using __info__:

LIMA_TEST_SESSION [3]: lima_simulator
              Out [3]: Simulator - Generator (Simulator) - Lima Simulator

                       bin = [1 1]
                       flip = [False False]
                       height = 1024
                       roi = <0,0> <1024 x 1024>
                       rotation = rotation_enum.NONE
                       sizes = [   0    4 1024 1024]
                       type = Bpp32
                       width = 1024

                       expo_time = 1.0
                       mode = mode_enum.SINGLE
                       nb_frames = 1
                       status = Ready
                       status_fault_error = No error
                       trigger_mode = trigger_mode_enum.INTERNAL_TRIGGER

                       ROI Counters:

                       Name  ROI (<X, Y> <W x H>)
                       ----  ------------------
                         r1  <0, 0> <100 x 200>

The information given above is usefull from a user point of view. As a developer one might want to work in the Bliss shell with live object e.g.

LIMA [4]: my_detectors = {'my_lima':lima_simulator,'my_mca':simu1}
LIMA [5]: my_detectors
 Out [5]: {'my_lima': <Lima Controller for Simulator (Lima Simulator)>,
                        'my_mca': <bliss.controllers.mca.simulation.SimulatedMCA
                                   object at 0x7f2f535b5f60>}

In this case it is desirable that the python objects themselves are clearly represented, which is exactly the role of __repr__ (in this example the lima_simulator has a custom __repr__ while in simu1 there is no __repr__ implemented so the bulid in python implementation is used).

The signature of __info__() should be def __info__(self): the return value musst be a string.

BLISS [1]: class A(object):
      ...:     def __repr__(self):
      ...:         return "my repl"
      ...:     def __str__(self):
      ...:         return "my str"
      ...:     def __info__(self):
      ...:         return "my info"

BLISS [2]: a=A()

BLISS [3]: a
  Out [3]: my info

BLISS [4]: [a]
  Out [4]: [my repl]


If, for any reason, there is an exception raised inside __info__, the fallback option will be used and __repr__ is evaluated in this case.

And this will hide the error.

So, any error musst be treated and displayed before returning.


def __info__(self):
"""Standard method called by BLISS Shell info helper."""
    info_string = self.info(menu=False)
except Exception:
        "An error happend during execution of __info__(), use .info() to get it.",

return info_string

The equivalent of repr(obj) or str(obj) is also availabe in bliss.common.standard as info(obj) which can be used also outside the Bliss shell.

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>>> from bliss.common.standard import info

>>> class A(object):
...     def __repr__(self):
...          return "my repl"
...     def __info__(self):
...          return "my info"
>>> info(A())
'my info'

>>> class B(object):
...     def __repr__(self):
...          return "my repl"

>>> info(B())
'my repl'

__str__() and __repr__()

If implemented in a Python class, __repr__ and __str__ methods are build-in functions Python to return information about an object instantiating this class.

  • __str__ should print a readable message
  • __repr__ should print a short message obout the objec that is unambigous (e.g. name of an identifier, class name, etc).

  • __str__ is called:

    • when the object is passed to the print() function (e.g. print(my_obj)).
    • wheh the object is used in string operations (e.g. str(my_obj) or '{}'.format(my_obj) or f'some text {my_obj}')
  • __repr__ method is called:
    • when user type the name of the object in an interpreter session (a python shell).
    • when displaying containers like lists and dicts (the result of __repr__ is used to represent the objects they contain)
    • when explicitly asking for it in the print() function. (e.g. print("%r" % my_object))

By default when no __str__ or __repr__ methods are defined, the __repr__ returns the name of the class (Length) and __str__ calls __repr__.