Tips for BLISS programming


cleanup context manager feature allows to restore parameters of objects after the execution of code block which involves them. Objects supporting this functionality are:

  • motors: Axis objects
  • camera: lima objects

after the execution means:

  • on a Control-c
  • in case of exception while code is being executed
  • at the normal end of the code block

Devices to consider are defined in first parameter of cleanup function.

Parameters to restore are defined in restore_list.

In order to deal with errors and not normal ending, error_cleanup() acts similar but is executed:

  • on a Control-c
  • in case of exception while code is being executed


For Motors, this context manager would guarantee that they will be stopped in any case, or even returned to their initial position if axis.POS is in restore_list.

There is the possibility to restore:

  • the velocity (axis.VEL)
  • the acceleration (axis.ACC)
  • the limits (axis.LIM).

All motors in the context will be waited.

Example from bliss/common/

axis = enum.Enum("axis", "POS VEL ACC LIM")

Usage example from bliss/common/

from bliss.common.cleanup import cleanup, axis as cleanup_axis


with cleanup(motor, restore_list=(cleanup_axis.POS,)):
    scan = ascan(motor, start, stop, npoints, count_time, *counter_args, **kwargs)

return scan