Objects instantiation

The config.get(<object_name>) method returns a live object from the configuration:

from bliss.config.static import get_config
config = get_config()

# my_object_name has to be one of config.names_list
obj = config.get("my_object_name")

Configuration plugins

Every object in the configuration is associated with a configuration plugin. The role of the configuration plugin is to instantiate the object from the YAML mappings. It figures out:

  • which class (or controller) needs to be instantiated
  • which parameters have to be passed to the constructor
  • which objects are finally exported
    • one, in case of a single class,
    • one or many for a controller

Beacon supports the following plugins:

  • default: converts YAML data into a Python dictionary
    • if an object has no plugin information, default will be used
  • bliss: general-purpose control objects
  • emotion: axes, encoders, shutters and motor controllers configuration
  • temperature: inputs, outputs, control loops for temperature controllers
  • session: to configure Session objects (sessions, measurement groups)
  • diffractometer: to configure diffractometers

Configuration plugins are Python files located in bliss.config.plugins. The name of the plugin Python module must correspond to the plugin name.

Using bliss plugin to create an object

With this plugin, keywords are:

  • class: basically the class of our object.
  • package (optional): what package should be load where the class will be found.

    • example: id15.motors.aero
  • module (optional): define the package name found under bliss.controllers if package keyword is not specified.

    • example: temperature.oxford800 package loaded would be bliss.controllers.temperature.oxford800


if package and module are not defined, the plugin will use the class field. It lowers the name given and loads the module under bliss.controllers.

Signature of object constructor using this plugin is:

class MyObject:
    def __init__(self,name,configuration):


  • name: the given name in the configuration file
  • configuration: a dictionary like

Simple example

name: simple_object
class: SimpleObject
package: example.simple_object
needed_params: "Don't remove"
other_params: 10

This file has to be located at example.simple_object

class SimpleObject: # class name specify in yaml
    def __init__(self,name,configuration):
        self.name = name
        assert configuration.get('needed_params') == "Don't remove"
        # other params is 5 if not specify in yaml file
        self.other_params = configuration.get('other_params',5)

In case of configuring several object of that kind, yaml may look like:

class: SimpleObject
package: example.simple_object
object_list: # could be any keyword
    - name: simple_object1
      needed_params: "Don't remove"
      other_params: 10
    - name: simple_object2
      needed_params: "Don't remove"
      other_params: 23.2


class, package and module need to be at the same level in that case.

Writing a configuration plugin

Each plugin module has to define a create_objects_from_config_node function, that receives:

  • the static configuration singleton
  • the Node object that corresponds to the object configuration

bliss plugin example

The bliss plugin creates an object from a YAML mapping.

  • it relies on the find_class utility function, to determine which class needs to be instantiated
    • it looks for a class item in the object configuration, and tries to find the corresponding Python module in bliss.controllers. The module filename is expected to be the lower-case version of the class name. In case this basic mechanism is not enough to find the class definition module, it is possible to specify it explicitly with the module: item. In case the module cannot be found under bliss.controllers, it is also possible to specify the package: item.
  • it uses the replace_reference_by_object helper to replace YAML items starting with the dollar sign ($) with an instance of the corresponding object from the configuration
    • the referenced objects are set as attributes of the instance
  • the name of the object and the configuration is passed to the class constructor. Each class depending on the bliss plugin has its own rules to interpret the different YAML items: one has to refer to the documentation to know how to configure each object
  • finally, the created object is returned in a dictionary indexed by the object name
from bliss.config.plugins.utils import find_class, replace_reference_by_object

def create_objects_from_config_node(config, cfg_node):
    item_cfg_node = cfg_node.deep_copy()
    klass = find_class(item_cfg_node)

    item_name = item_cfg_node["name"]
    referenced_objects = dict()

    replace_reference_by_object(config, item_cfg_node, referenced_objects)

    o = klass(item_name, item_cfg_node)

    for name, object in referenced_objects.items():
        if hasattr(o, name):
            setattr(o, name, object)

    return {item_name: o}


When grouping similar configuration information in a directory, it is quite useful to specify the plugin in a __init__.yml file: plugin: <plugin_name>

Configuration tool UI panels

The other role of configuration plugins is to define a HTML render function for generating graphical configuration panels for the Beacon configuration web application, depending on the kind of object instantiated by the plugin.

Currently, the bliss plugin provides a special User Interface (UI) for P201/CT2 counting card configuration. Similarly the emotion plugin provides a special UI for IcePAP motor controller configuration.