
Preset are uses to set environnement for a scan. Typically to control:

  • opening/closing of a shutter
  • detector cover
  • multiplexer
  • scan pause…

It’s a hook in scan iteration. This hook can be set in different levels for different needs. Either the need is to hook a whole scan with an inherited class of ScanPreset or the need is to hook a part of the acquisition chain with an object inherited from ChainPreset.


This is the simplest one. This one has 3 callback methods:

  • prepare called before all devices preparation
  • start called before all devices starting
  • stop called after all devices are stopped.
DEMO [1]: from bliss.scanning.scan import ScanPreset
DEMO [2]: class Preset(ScanPreset):
             ...:     def prepare(self,scan):
             ...:         print(f"Preparing scan {}\n")
             ...:     def start(self,scan):
             ...:         print(f"Starting scan {}")
             ...:         print(f"Opening the shutter")
             ...:     def stop(self,scan):
             ...:         print(f"{} scan is stopped")
             ...:         print(f"Closing the shutter")
DEMO [3]: p = Preset()
DEMO [4]: s = loopscan(2,0.1,diode,run=False)
DEMO [5]: s.add_preset(p)
DEMO [6]:

Scan 12 Wed Mar 13 11:06:11 2019 /tmp/scans/demo/data.h5 demo user = seb
loopscan 2 0.1

           #         dt[s]         diode
Preparing scan loopscan

Starting scan loopscan
Opening the shutter
           0             0      -40.2222
           1      0.104891      -9.11111
Took 0:00:09.830967
loopscan scan is stopped
Closing the shutter


This hook is linked to a top-master of the acquisition chain. So the callback method will be called during prepare, start and stop phases of this to top-master. It has exactly the same behaviour than the ScanPreset if the chain has only one top-master.

i.e: In a loopscan, the only top master is a timer, so here is the same simple example where you want to open a shutter at the beginning of the scan and closing it at the end.

DEMO [1]: from bliss.scanning.chain import ChainPreset
DEMO [1]: class Preset(ChainPreset):
             ...:     def prepare(self,acq_chain):
             ...:         print("Preparing")
             ...:     def start(self,acq_chain):
             ...:         print("Starting, Opening the shutter")
             ...:     def stop(self,acq_chain):
             ...:         print("Stopped, closing the shutter")
DEMO [1]: s = loopscan(2,0.1,diode,run=False)
DEMO [1]: p = Preset()
DEMO [1]: s.acq_chain.add_preset(p)
DEMO [1]:

Scan 13 Wed Mar 13 11:54:08 2019 /tmp/scans/demo/data.h5 demo user = seb
loopscan 2 0.1

           #         dt[s]         diode
Starting, Opening the shutter
           0             0       24.1111
           1      0.105099       1.22222
Stopped, closing the shutter

Took 0:00:36.189189


Use this object when you want to set a hook on each iteration of a top-master. ChainIterationPreset is yield from ChainPreset instance by get_iterator method. i.e here is an example where you want to open/close the shutter for each point.

DEMO [1]: class Preset(ChainPreset):
              class Iterator(ChainIterationPreset):
                  def __init__(self,iteration_nb):
                      self.iteration = iteration_nb
                  def prepare(self):
                      print(f"Preparing iteration {self.iteration}")
                  def start(self):
                      print(f"Starting, Opening the shutter iter {self.iteration}")
                  def stop(self):
                      print(f"Stopped, closing the shutter, iter {self.iteration}")
              def get_iterator(self,acq_chain):
                  iteration_nb = 0
                  while True:
                      yield Preset.Iterator(iteration_nb)
                      iteration_nb += 1
DEMO [2]: p = Preset()
DEMO [3]: s = loopscan(2,0.1,diode,run=False)
DEMO [4]: s.acq_chain.add_preset(p)
DEMO [5]:

Scan 18 Wed Mar 13 14:15:40 2019 /tmp/scans/demo/data.h5 demo user = seb
loopscan 2 0.1

           #         dt[s]         diode
Preparing iteration 0
Starting, Opening the shutter iter 0
Stopped, closing the shutter, iter 0
Preparing iteration 1
Starting, Opening the shutter iter 1
           0             0       22.4444
           1       0.10728       13.5556
Stopped, closing the shutter, iter 1

Took 0:00:16.677241

In this example, you can see that data display and the chain iteration are executed by two separated greenlets and they are not synchronised. This is not a problem but can be confusing if you think that it’s sequencial.

To pause a scan

As Preset callbacks are executed synchronously they can easily pause it, just by not returning imediatly from prepare, start or stop callback methods. If for example you need to pause a scan if there is no beam, you just have to check in a loop the condition. As an example, wait to start a scan if the beam is not present.

class Preset(ScanPreset):
    def __init__(self,diode,beam_trigger_value):
        self._diode = diode

    def prepare(self,scan):
        beam_value =
        while beam_value < self._beam_trigger_value:
            print("Waiting for beam")
            print(f"read {beam_value} expect {self._beam_trigger_value}",end='\r')
            beam_value =