MASTER after 2.0.0¶
Installation at ESRF beamlines¶
At ESRF, it is recommended to follow Beamline Control Unit guidelines for software installation. In the case of BLISS, a special deployment procedure with Ansible tool has been put in place in order to facilitate the work on beamlines.
Updating BLISS installation¶
To update BLISS on an ESRF installation:
release version (bliss)¶
To update the “release” version in bliss
Conda environement, update the conda package:
* `conda update --channel bliss` * or `conda install bliss=X.Y.Z`
development version (bliss_dev)¶
For development, i.e in bliss_env
Conda environement:
update bliss repository:
cd local/bliss.git/
git pull
install up-to-date dependencies:
conda install --file ./requirements-conda.txt
Exit and re-enter into the conda environment to ensure using up-to-date modules.
Pip-install BLISS by creating a link in conda environment directory pointing to the git repository:
pip install --no-deps -e .
Take care to have Conda channels up-to-date. (with conda info
) and correct if
conda config --env --add channels esrf-bcu conda config --env --append channels conda-forge conda config --env --append channels tango-controls conda config --env --append channels
Local code¶
At ESRF, it has been decided to put all beamline specific code in a dedicated git repository.
For more details, see:
Installation outside ESRF beamlines¶
Using a Conda environment¶
The use of Conda is recommended to install BLISS.
Creating a bliss_env
Conda environment can be done like this (the
name of the environment can - of course - be chosen freely):
ESRF BCU conda channels need to be configured, as well as channels providing BLISS dependencies
conda create --name bliss_env conda activate bliss_env conda config --env --add channels esrf-bcu conda config --env --append channels conda-forge conda config --env --append channels tango-controls
install “release” version from BLISS Conda package¶
To install Conda BLISS package (“release” version):
conda install --channel bliss
install development version from sources¶
Git repository is the reference point to install latest development version of BLISS.
git clone
cd bliss/
conda install --file ./requirements-conda.txt
pip install --no-deps -e .
Without Conda environment¶
The first step is to clone the BLISS git repository to get the BLISS project source code:
git clone
cd bliss/
The line above creates a bliss
directory in current directory, containing the
whole project source files.
BLISS has many dependencies. Most notably it requires additional, non-Python dependencies like the redis server for example.
BLISS provides a Python setuptools script. Finalize the installation using pip
cd bliss/
pip install .
For development, install with:
pip install -e .
The code will get deployed in Python site-packages directory as a symbolic link, thus removing the need to re-install each time a modification is made.
Use Bliss without Hardware¶
BLISS is distributed with a set of test_sessions which can be used to work without accessing real beamline hardware. In order to use the provided simulated beamline the following steps have to be taken:
1) Install BLISS in a conda environment or activate an existing conda env. in which BLISS is installed.
2) Install additional dependencies for the test environment
conda install --file ./requirements-test-conda.txt
3) start a BEACON server using the provided test_configuration (path relative to root of bliss repository)
beacon-server --db_path tests/test_configuration/ --tango_port 20000
4) to simulate a lima camera run also
TANGO_HOST=localhost:20000 LimaCCDs simulator
Then, on Bliss shell, you can get access to this device with
TEST_SESSION[3]: limaDev = config.get("lima_simulator")
5) start a BLISS test_session
BEACON_HOST=localhost TANGO_HOST=localhost:20000 bliss -s test_session
and enjoy or have a look at the following doc sections: