Dialog with users

Bliss offers a variety of simple dialogs to interact with users, like messages, yes-no questions, inputs and more.

The user dialog classes

All the dialogs are built on top of the _UserDlg base class. The class describes all the information required to create a widget for any kind of backend (Prompt-toolkit, Qt, …). The default backend is Prompt-toolkit.

The predefined dialogs are:

  • UserMsg( "This is a message" ): display a message to the user.
  • UserYesNo( "Do you want to continue?" ): ask a question expecting a yes or no answer.
  • UserInput( "What is your name?" ): ask for a string input.
  • UserIntInput( "What is your age?" ): ask for a integer input.
  • UserFloatInput( "What is the target position?" ): ask for a float input.
  • UserFileInput( "Select a file" ): ask for a file path input.
  • UserChoice( "Select one", choices ): ask to select one value among a list of choices.
  • UserCheckBox( "option_name" ): enable/disable an option.

All dialogs have the following attributes:

  • label: the widget label
  • defval: the default value
  • text_align: the label text alignment, in ["CENTER", "LEFT", "JUSTIFY", "RIGHT"]
  • text_expand: enable label text to expand (True or False)

UserInput dialogs have these extra arguments:

  • validator: the validator function (optional)
  • completer: the list of words for auto-completion (optional)

The UserChoice dialogs have a special argument:

  • values: the list of choices. One choice is a pair (value, text).
              ex: values = [(1,"red"), (2,"blue"), (3,"green")]

Display the dialog on screen ( Prompt-toolkit backend )

Message and question

Any user dialog can be transformed into a prompt toolkit widget and display on screen with the display function. They display function is designed for single dialogs like UserMsg or UserYesNo. In the case of UserYesNo dialog, the display function returns the answer as a Boolean.

from bliss.shell.cli.user_dialog import UserMsg, UserYesNo
from bliss.shell.cli.pt_widgets import display

dlg = UserYesNo(label="Do you want to continue?")
display(dlg, title='Bliss manager')

dlg = UserMsg(label="This is a message")
display(dlg, title='Bliss manager')

>>> Out [17]: True


Multiple inputs dialog

Multiple widgets dialog can be built with the BlissDialog object and display on screen with its .show() method. The first argument of the BlissDialog object is a 2d list of user dialogs. The first dimension represent the vertical layout and the second dimension the horizontal layout. The space between the widgets can be specified with the padding argument. After pressing the ok button, a dictionary with widget values is returned. The dictionary is indexed by the dialog name (if not None) else by the dialog object itself. If pressing the cancel button, it returns False.

user_dlg_list = [   [dlg_x1_y1, dlg_x2_y1, ...], 
                    [dlg_x1_y2, dlg_x2_y2, ...], 
                    [dlg_x1_y3, dlg_x2_y3, ...],  ]  

BlissDialog(user_dlg_list,title="BlissDialog", paddings=(1, 1), show_help=False)

from bliss.shell.cli.user_dialog import UserInput, UserCheckBox, UserChoice
from bliss.shell.cli.pt_widgets import BlissDialog

dlg1 = UserInput(label="User name")
dlg2 = UserCheckBox(label="Enable auto-save", defval=True)
dlg3 = UserChoice(label="File format", values=[('txt','.txt'), ('hdf5','.hdf5'), ('tiff','.tiff')])

BlissDialog( [  [dlg1], [dlg2, dlg3]  ] , title='Bliss manager',paddings=(3,3)).show()

>>> Out [25]: ['', True, 'txt']


Container ( dialogs group )

A sub-set of dialogs can be grouped using the Container object:

Container(user_dlg_list, title=None, border=0, padding=0, splitting="h")

The title argument is a sub-title for the widget group (if title=None the surrounding frame is not drawn). The border argument is the space between the widgets group and the surrounding frame. The padding argument is the space between the widgets of the group. The splitting argument can be h (horizontal) or v (vertical) and describes the stacking orientation of the widgets.

from bliss.shell.cli.user_dialog import Container

dlg1 = UserInput(label="User name")
dlg2 = UserCheckBox(label="Enable auto-save", defval=True)
dlg3 = UserCheckBox(label="Enable post-proc", defval=False)
dlg4 = UserCheckBox(label="Enable interpolation", defval=False)
dlg5 = UserChoice(values=[('txt','.txt'), ('hdf5','.hdf5'), ('tiff','.tiff')])

ct1 = Container( [dlg2, dlg3, dlg4], title="options" )
ct2 = Container( [dlg5,], title="File format" )

BlissDialog( [  [dlg1], [ ct1, ct2]  ] , title='Bliss manager').show()

>>> Out [74]: ['', True, False, False, 'txt']


UserInput validator

The UserInput object takes an optional validator argument. The validator argument must be an object of the type Validator. The validator object takes as first argument a function instance and the function arguments as extra arguments. The validation function will be called when leaving the input field of the widget in order to check that the user input is corresponding to the expected type of answer. The validation function must raise or produce an exception if the user input is not what expected.

For example we can check that the user input is an integer or if it is included in a given range.

from bliss.shell.cli.user_dialog import Validator

def is_int(str_input):
    return int(str_input)

def in_frange(str_input, mini, maxi):
    val = float(str_input)

    if val < mini:
        raise ValueError("value %s < %s (mini)" % (val, mini))

    if val > maxi:
        raise ValueError("value %s > %s (maxi)" % (val, maxi))

    return val

v1 = Validator(is_int)
v2 = Validator(in_frange, 5, 10)

dlg1 = UserInput(label="Enter the scan points number: ", validator=v1)
dlg2 = UserInput(label="Enter a number in range [5, 10]: ", validator=v2)

The UserIntInput and UserFloatInput are already defined and respectively check that the input is an integer or a float.


UserInput completer

The UserInput object takes an optional completer argument. The completer argument must be a list of strings which will be used as a completion list when the user is typing. For file path completion, it already exists the UserFileInput object which implements a special path completer.

from bliss.shell.cli.user_dialog import UserInput, UserFileInput
from bliss.common.utils import get_axes_names_iter

motor_names = list(get_axes_names_iter())
dlg1 = UserInput(label="Select a motor", completer=motor_names)
dlg2 = UserFileInput(label="Select a file")

BlissDialog( [  [dlg1], [dlg2,]  ] , title='Bliss manager').show()

>>> Out [7]: ['roby', 'bliss/bliss/config/static.py']


Wizard dialog

The BlissWizard object takes a list of BlissDialog objects and display them one by one. It is useful when there are too many widgets for a single page/screen. It returns the list of the results of each page.

from bliss.shell.cli.user_dialog import BlissWizard

bdg1 = BlissDialog( ... )
bdg2 = BlissDialog( ... )

BlissWizard([bdg1, bdg2]).show()