Testing with PyTest

Partialy taken from pytest official doc: https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/

Usage in BLISS

All tests but hardware-related ones are automatically run during continuous integration on bcu-ci server.

To run manually ALL tests

In BLISS root directory:


example to run all tests (can be long):

bliss % pytest
========================== test session starts ==============================
collected 454 items

tests/test_channels.py::test_channel_not_initialized PASSED            [  0%]
tests/test_channels.py::test_channel_set PASSED                        [  0%]
tests/test_channels.py::test_channel_cb PASSED                         [  0%]


In case of strange error (like ImportError: bad magic number), try to remove old *.pyc files:

find ./ -name "*.pyc" | xargs rm

to run ONLY some tests

In BLISS root directory:

pytest -k <sub-string>

-k command line option specify an expression which implements a sub-string match on the test names instead of the exact match on markers that -m provides.

example :

bliss % pytest  -k channel_not_initialized
============================= test session starts =============================
collected 454 items / 453 deselected

tests/test_channels.py::test_channel_not_initialized PASSED              [100%]

====================== 1 passed, 453 deselected in 5.15 seconds ===============

Main options

-s: keep stdout

Equivalent to --capture=no => do not capture stdout

-v: more verbose

-q: less verbose


Coverage indicates the percentage of lines touched by current tests suite.

Example to get a coverage report:

py.test tests/controllers_sw/test_multiple_positions.py   \
           --cov-report=html                              \
           --cov bliss.controllers.multiplepositions

Coverage report indicating tested lines is in: ./htmlcov/index.html


There can be some errors (lines tested but not flaged as tested) in the report.

See also: https://pytest-cov.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reporting.html

Hardware tests

Tests files located in bliss/tests/controllers_hw/ directory are Hardware tests. They are ignored by continuous integration but can be run manualy.


They are using the beamline database for configuration and not the test configuration.


There is a generic axis test for basic feature: position, velocity, acceleration and stop.


pytest -s --axis-name rot tests/controllers_hw/test_axis.py
This will do a real test on Beamline axis named rot.


This test will do real movement on the specified axis.


pytest.xfail() instruction

“A xfail means that you expect a test to fail for some reason. A common example is a test for a feature not yet implemented, or a bug not yet fixed. When a test passes despite being expected to fail (marked with pytest.mark.xfail), it’s an xpass and will be reported in the test summary.”

see: http://doc.pytest.org/en/latest/skipping.html

@pytest.mark.parametrize("channel_id", [1, 2])
def test_read_calc_channels(pepu, channel_id):
    cmd = "?CHVAL CALC%d" % channel_id
    with pepu.assert_command(cmd, "-1"):
        channel = pepu.calc_channels[channel_id]
        value = channel.value
    assert value in (1.5, -1.5)

Configuration in BLISS

Configuration is mainly done in setup.cfg file:

bliss %
bliss % more setup.cfg

   addopts = -v --ignore=tests/images --ignore=tests/test_configuration --ignore=tests/controllers_hw
   usefixtures = clean_louie clean_gevent clean_session
   filterwarnings =


Writing tests


Tips and examples

Using a Tango device server in tests

A dummy tango device server is defined in :


- class: Dummy
  tango_name: id00/tango/dummy
  personal_name: dummy
  server: dummy_tg_server

It is used for example to test undulator object:


    class: ESRF_Undulator
    ds_name: id00/tango/dummy
            name: u23a
            attribute_position: Position
            attribute_velocity: Velocity
            attribute_acceleration: Acceleration
            steps_per_unit: 1
            velocity: 5
            acceleration: 125
            tolerance: 0.1


import pytest
def test_undulator(beacon, dummy_tango_server):
    u23a = beacon.get("u23a")

    assert u23a.position == 1.4
    assert u23a.velocity == 5
    assert u23a.acceleration == 125

acces to temporary directory

def test_session_add_del(beacon, beacon_directory):
    # beacon_directory is the temporary directory used by tests.
    # BLISS Session files are put in beacon_directory/sessions
    sess_dir = beacon_directory + '/sessions'
    setup_file = sess_dir + '/tutu_setup.py'


to run tests on your computer

  • Create a conda environemnt dedicated to tests:
    • Go to bliss directory and do:
      conda create --name testenv --channel http://bcu-ci.esrf.fr/stable \
        --channel defaults --channel tango-controls --channel conda-forge \
        --file requirements-conda.txt  --file requirements-test-conda.txt
      source activate testenv
      pip install .
    • Install bliss:
      cd bliss.git/
      pip install --no-deps -e .

to run tests on bcu-ci computer

Some timing problems occuring during continuous integration but not on a local computer have been observed.

To track them, it can be interesting to run tests on bcu-ci computer.

Log-in to bcu-ci (needs sudo rights) and copy/paste:

sudo docker run -it continuumio/miniconda3:latest

apt-get update && apt-get -y install xvfb libxi6 git

git clone https://gitlab.esrf.fr/bliss/bliss.git

cd bliss

conda create -y --name testenv --channel http://bcu-ci.esrf.fr/stable  \
  --channel defaults --channel tango-controls --channel conda-forge \
  --file requirements-conda.txt  --file requirements-test-conda.txt

source activate testenv

python setup.py install

pytest setup.py tests

Happy debugging !