Acquisition Master/Device

Those objects describe the behavior you need in a scan of basic device (axis, counters…) in therm of triggering and data flow. Those objects can be:

  • master means that can trigger other device
  • device any data producer device



The exhaustive list of motor master are available in bliss.scanning.acquisition.motor


from bliss.scanning.acquisition.motor import MotorMaster
master = MotorMaster(axis, # axis you want to drive
                     undershoot=None, # leave it to None to let it calculated
  • Drives one motor from a start position to a end position at a constant speed.

  • If undershoot is None, it is calculated according the acceleration of the motor.

  • undershoot_start_margin and undershoot_end_margin can be added to the calculated undershoot.

  • backnforth option will do every even motions in one direction and odd motions in the other direction.



  • Drives the axis the same way as the MotorMaster.
  • Sends a software trigger to slaves for each step position between start position and end position
step = (start + end)/npoints
from bliss.scanning.acquisition.motor import SoftwarePositionTriggerMaster
master = SoftwarePositionTriggerMaster(
      npoints=1, #number of trigger between start and end position
      undershoot=None, # leave it to None to let it calculated


On some motor controller, to reach the top speed, you need to drive it in speed instead of position. You may need this master to achive that. This master helper will calculate for you the undershoot needed to reach the jog_speed at the start position. In case of margin, just add or subtract the position value to your start position.

  • jog_speed is sign to control the rotation clockwise or counterclockwise.

  • To end the movement:

  • either you stop externally the axis
  • or you may provide a end_jog_function function which will be called during the motion. The return of this function will end the movement if it does not return True.
from bliss.scanning.acquisition.motor import JogMotorMaster

def end_jog_function(axis):
    This function will ends the movement if returns != True.
    return axis.position < 720.

master = JogMotorMaster(axis,


Control from 2 to n motors to drive them during a mesh step scan. This master will build a position grid for all axis. Arguments passed to this object is a list of: axis,start_position,end_position,nb_points.

i.e: a 2D mesh can be written as follow:

from bliss.scanning.acquisition.motor import MeshStepTriggerMaster
master = MeshStepTriggerMaster(axis1,0,1,5,

In this example axis1 will be the fast axis => it will move on any step. axis1 will be move every 5 steps… In short axis1 is the column axis and axis2 is the line axis.

for a 3D mesh:

from bliss.scanning.acquisition.motor import MeshStepTriggerMaster
master = MeshStepTriggerMaster(axis1,0,1,5, # fast axis
                               axis3,-2,2,20) # slowest axis

backnforth can be activated to do a snake style mesh. i.e: in a case of 2D mesh odd lines are scanned in one direction and even are scanned in the other direction.


Drive axis across a n dimensional line like anscan command. Argument of the master are:

  • first argument the number of points
  • then a triplet with axis instance follow by the start position and the end position

To drive two axis here is an example:

from bliss.scanning.acquisition.motor import LinearStepTriggerMaster
nb_points = 20
master = LinearStepTriggerMaster(nb_points,


Generic motor master for arbitrary step by step acquisition. Positions are provided via a iterable object like list, numpy array… Argument for this master is a couple of axis followed by an iterable position object.


All motors should have the same amount of positions.

Here is a example to do a arc scan of 90 points from -45 deg to 45 deg with rayon of 5 with first axis X and second axis Y.

import numpy
from bliss.scanning.acquisition.motor import VariableStepTriggerMaster
rayon = 5
angles = numpy.linspace(-45,45,90)
x_positions = rayon * numpy.cos(numpy.deg2rad(angles))
y_positions = rayon * numpy.sin(numpy.deg2rad(angles))
master = VariableStepTriggerMaster(X, x_positions,
                                   Y, y_positions)


When real axis of a calculation axis have a motor controller with trajectory capable, you can use this master to automatically calculate trajectory of real motors. It has the same behavior of the MotorMaster but on a calculation axis => constant speed on the calculation axis.

from bliss.scanning.acquisition.motor import CalcAxisTrajectoryMaster
master = CalcAxisTrajectoryMaster(calc_axis,
                                  start, #start position
                                  end, #end position
                                  nb_points, # nb sampling point for trajectory


nb_points define the sampling for the final trajectory. This will determine it’s precision. It will be the number of points loaded into the motor controller.


This master control 2 axis to program a mesh trajectory on a motor controller capabale.


from bliss.scanning.acquisition.motor import MeshTrajectoryMaster
master = MeshTrajectoryMaster(
   X,     # axis instance for colums
   X0,    # first column position
   Xend,  # last column position
   nb_columns, # number of point on column
   Y,    #axis instance for lines
   Y0,   # first line position
   Yend, # last line position
   undershoot = None,  # if None calculate it with the axes acceleration
   undershoot_start_margin=0, # margin before 1st column position for each line
   undershoot_end_margin=0    # margin at the end of each line)


undershoot, undershoot_start_margin and undershoot_end_margin are for each line of the mesh. Same meaning as MotorMaster variables.


Main usage of this master is to deal with a camera with a high dead time. This dead time prevents you to acquire images during only one motion (like MotorMaster) because the gaps between images are to high. This master splits a continous motion into several, basically one motion per image. Final motion looks like:


One the first iteration, the motion is at constant speed between start position and P1, then the second iteration rewind the axis and restart an other motion and reach the constant between P1 and P2… and so one until end position. The number of movement is defined by the npoints. time defines the elapsed time between points.

from bliss.scanning.acquisition.motor import SweepMotorMaster
master = SweepMotorMaster(
    axis,  # axis instance
    start, # first point position
    end,   # last point position
    npoints=1, # number of points (images)
    time=0,    # see above schema
    undershoot=None, # if None calculated with axis acceleration


undershoot, undershoot_start_margin and undershoot_end_margin are for each point (images). Same meaning as MotorMaster variables.

