
Counters are BLISS objects intended to be read during a count or step by step scan as well as during a continuous scan.

Such objects have then to follow a minimal API to be usable in standard scans.

Sampling or Integrating counter ?

A sampling counter obtains readout values “on the fly” with just a read command:

  • read()

BLISS examples:

  • tango BPM
  • Wago
  • Keller gauges

An integrating counter processes readout values according to a defined sequence, typically:

  • prepare()
  • start()
  • stop()

BLISS examples:

  • Lima ROI and BPM

a custom Acquisition device can be created in case of:

  • non-standard device interfacing
    • ex:
  • mix of data types : spectrum and scalars

Counters classes dependencies

This diagram presents the hierarchy of BLISS classes related to counters with some example of usage.

counter_dependencies bc BaseCounter shape() dtype() c Counter prepare() start() stop() c->bc sc SamplingCounter read() ConvertValue() sc->c sftc SoftCounter read() sftc->sc ic IntegratingCounter get_values() ic->c pc PepuCounter pc->bc lrc LimaRoiCounter lrc->ic wc WagoCounter wc->sc

Group read

Both IC and SC provide mechanism to perform *group read*s in order to read many counters at once, if they belong to a common controller, able to read all channels at once.

Sampling counter

Depending on the number and the way how channels of the controller are managed, different designs can be used.

example 1

A simple 1 channel-counter.

YML configuration:

plugin: bliss
class: EMH
name: emeter2
unit: volt
   url: em

In this example, BLISS controller has:

  • to deal with connection (TCP)

example 2 : EMH

A controller with multiple channels.

EMH is a 4chan electrometer.

YML configuration:

plugin: bliss
class: EMH
name: emeter2
unit: volt
- counter_name: e1
  channel: 1
- counter_name: e2
  channel: 2


In this example, keyword counter_name is used instead of name to avoid to load automatically the counters objects in BLISS sessions.

This example BLISS controller has:

  • to deal with the connection (TCP)
  • to manage channels (returned by counters() property)
  • to allow a grouped reading of all channels.

NB: the controller file name must be in lower case.

Example from

class EmhCounter(SamplingCounter):
    def __init__(self, name, controller, channel, unit=None):

        SamplingCounter.__init__(self, name, controller)
        #                                    ref to the controller
        # the reading of many counters depending on the same
        # controller will be performed using controller.read_all() function = channel
        self.unit = unit
class EMH(object):
    ESRF - EM#meter controller
    def __init__(self, name, config): = name
        self.bliss_config = config

        self.comm = get_comm(config, TCP, eol='\r\n', port=5025)
        # port number is fixed for this device.

        self.counters_list = list()
        for counter_conf in config.get("counters", list()):
            unit = counter_conf.get_inherited("unit")
            counter = EmhCounter(counter_conf["counter_name"],
                                 counter_conf["channel"], unit)

    def counters(self):
        return counter_namespace(self.counters_list)

    def read_all(self, *counters):
        curr_list = self.get_currents()
        vlist = list()

        for counter in counters:
            vlist.append(curr_list[ - 1])

        return vlist

Sampling counter statistics

Sampling counters read as many samples as possible from the connected hardware in the specified counting time and return, amongst others, an average value (default mode, see below for details). Additionally, some basic statistics of the sampling process are calculated on the fly, which are accessible after the count through the .statistics property.

    TEST_SESSION [1]: diode.mode     
             Out [1]: <SamplingMode.MEAN: 1>

    TEST_SESSION [2]: ct(1,diode)    

      diode = 8.03225806451613 ( 8.03225806451613/s)

    TEST_SESSION [3]: diode.statistics      
             Out [3]: SamplingCounterStatistics( mean=8.032, N=93,
                                                 std=55.96, var=3132.16, 
                                                 min=-98.0, max=100.0, 
                                                 p2v=198.0, count_time=1, 
                                                 timestamp='2019-07-26 10:13:25')
The values available in SamplingCounterStatistics are

  • mean: Mean value \bar x = \frac {\sum_{j=1}^n x_j}{n}
  • var: Variance \sigma^2 = \displaystyle\frac {\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i - \bar x)^2}{n}
  • std: Standard deviation \sigma = \sqrt{\sigma^2}
  • min: Minimum value x_{min}
  • max: Maxium value x_{max}
  • p2v: Peak to valley x_{max}-x_{min}

To avoid storing individual sample values temporarily, the statistics are calculated in a rolling fashion using [Welford’s online algorithm] ('s_online_algorithm). Internally, the sum of squares of differences from the current mean M_{2,n} = \sum_{i=1}^n (x_i - \bar x_n)^2, is calculated iteratively via M_{2,n} = M_{2,n-1} + (x_n - \bar x_{n-1})(x_n - \bar x_n). Based on M_{2,n} the variance is derived as \sigma^2_n = \frac{M_{2,n}}{n}.

Sampling counter modes

At the end of the counting process, the sampling counter modes are used to specify which value(s) should be published (to hdf5 file and database).

The available modes can be found in bliss.common.measurement.SamplingMode:

    TEST_SESSION [1]: from bliss.common.measurement import SamplingMode
    TEST_SESSION [2]: list(SamplingMode)
             Out [3]: [<SamplingMode.MEAN: 1>,
                       <SamplingMode.STATS: 2>,
                       <SamplingMode.SAMPLES: 3>,
                       <SamplingMode.SINGLE: 4>,
                       <SamplingMode.LAST: 5>,
                       <SamplingMode.INTEGRATE: 6>]
                       <SamplingMode.INTEGRATE_STATS: 7>]


The default mode is MEAN which returns the mean (average) value of all samples, which have been read during the counting time.




in addition to SamplingMode.MEAN the nominal counting time is taken into account. This way a counter in the mode SamplingMode.INTEGRATE returns the equivalent of the sum of all samples normalized by the counting time. A use case for this mode is for example the reading of a diode, that should yield a value approximately proportional to the number of photons that hit the diode during the counting time.



publishes all the values as calculated for the sampling counter statistics (see above) into the hdf5 file and the redis database.


equivalent to SamplingMode.STATS, but for counters that should behave as described in SamplingMode.INTEGRATE yielding statistics in additional channels.


A counter in this mode publishes only the first sample read from the device, discarding any further samples. If possible (i.e. there is no counter in any other mode on the same AquisitionDevice) only one sample will be read.



A counter in this mode publishes only the last sample discarding any further samples.



Is different from other modes in the sense, that in addition to SamplingMode.MEAN, it generates an additional 1d dataset containing the individual samples in a counting period and also publishes it. It can e.g. be used to do some more complex statistical analysis of the measured values or, as basis for any CalcCounter, that can be used to extract derived quantities from the original dataset. Following is an example for a CalcCounter, that returns the median:

TEST_SESSION [1]: from bliss.common.measurement import CalcCounter
             ...: from bliss.scanning.acquisition.calc import CalcHook
             ...: import numpy
             ...: class Median(CalcHook):
             ...:     def compute(self,sender,data_dict):
             ...:         if "_samples" in
             ...:             return {"median":numpy.median(data_dict[])}
             ...: medi = CalcCounter('median',Median(),diode9)
             ...: diode9.mode = "SAMPLES"

TEST_SESSION [2]: ct(.1,medi)
         Out [2]: Scan(number=224, name=ct, path=<no saving>)

                  dt[s] =          0.0 (         0.0/s)
                  diode9 = 19.333333333333332 ( 193.33333333333331/s)
                  median =         -7.0 (       -70.0/s)

Integrating counter

example 1

A controller exporting N counters.



Calculation counter

Calculation counters can be use to do some computation on raw values of real counters.

Simple example

In this example the calculation counter will return the mean of two real counters. Real counters are diode and diode2.

from bliss.common.measurement import CalcCounter
from bliss.scanning.acquisition.calc import CalcHook

# Mean caclulaion
class Mean(CalcHook):
    def prepare(self): = {}
    def compute(self,sender,data_dict):
        # Gathering all needed data to calculate the mean
    # Datas of several counters are not emitted at the same time
        nb_point_to_emit = numpy.inf
        for cnt_name in ('diode','diode2'):
            cnt_data = data_dict.get(cnt_name,[])
            data =,[])
            if len(cnt_data):
                data = numpy.append(data,cnt_data)
            nb_point_to_emit = min(nb_point_to_emit,len(data))
    # Maybe noting to do
        if not nb_point_to_emit:

        # Calculation
        mean_data = (['diode'][:nb_point_to_emit] +
           ['diode2'][:nb_point_to_emit]) / 2.
        # Removing already computed raw datas = {key:data[nb_point_to_emit:]
                     for key,data in}
        # Return name musst be the same as the counter name:
    # **mean** in that case
        return {"mean":mean_data}

mean = CalcCounter("mean",Mean(),diode,diode2)


Use-case examples to export new counters in BLISS.

Sampling counters

Simple case, a controller with only one counter

In this example the sampling counter and the controller is the same instance. and we want to read value from a tcp server the emitted random values.

cat /dev/urandom | nc -k -l -p 3333

Bliss counter configuration may look like:

- plugin: bliss
  package: simple_random
  class: RandomCnt
  name: rand_cnt
     url: localhost:3333

And in file

import struct
from bliss.comm.util import get_comm
from bliss.common.measurement import SamplingCounter

class RandomCnt(SamplingCounter):
    def __init__(self,name,config):
        self.comm = get_comm(config)

    def read(self):
        random_value =
        return struct.unpack('I',random_value)[0]

In bliss console:

BLISS [1]: rand_cnt = config.get('rand_cnt')
BLISS [2]:
  Out [2]: 2300708583
BLISS [3]: ct(1,rand_cnt)

Mon Jul 29 19:36:49 2019
     dt[s] =          0.0 (         0.0/s)
  rand_cnt = 2136576723.7867134 ( 2136576723.7867134/s)
  Out [3]: Scan(number=3, name=ct, path=<no saving>)

Severals counters sharing same controller

In this example we will export individual counters defined in the configuartion. The counter controller read all information about the current world population with the .read_all method.

In this case configuration look like:

- plugin: bliss
  package: worldometers
  class: WorldCounter
      - name: current_world_population
      - name: day_births
      - name: day_deaths

The file

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.request import urlopen
from bliss.common.measurement import SamplingCounter

class WorldoMeterCtrl:
        'current_world_population': 'cp1',
        'current_world_population_male': 'cp2',
        'current_world_population_female': 'cp3',
        'day_births' : 'cp7',
        'year_births' : 'cp6',
        'day_deaths': 'cp9',
        'year_deaths': 'cp8',
    def name(self):
        return 'worldometer'

    def read_all(self,*counters):
        url = ''
        html = urlopen(url)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
        return [self._get_field_value(soup, self.COUNTER_NAME_2_ID[])
                for cnt in counters]

    def _get_field_value(soup,name):
        return int(soup.find(id=name).getText().replace(',',''))

CONTROLLER = WorldoMeterCtrl()

class WorldCounter(SamplingCounter):
    def __init__(self,name,config):

Note use the read_all of the controller

In bliss console:

BLISS [1]: current_world_population = config.get('current_world_population')
BLISS [2]: day_births = config.get('day_births')
BLISS [3]:
  Out [3]: 248807
BLISS [4]: day_deaths = config.get('day_deaths')
BLISS [5]: ct(1,current_world_population,day_births,day_deaths)

Tue Jul 30 15:03:20 2019

                     dt[s] =          0.0 (         0.0/s)
  current_world_population = 7723065258.0 ( 7723065258.0/s)
                day_births =     247874.0 (    247874.0/s)
                day_deaths =      98390.0 (     98390.0/s)
  Out [5]: Scan(number=9, name=ct, path=<no saving>)

BLISS [6]: loopscan(10,.1,current_world_population,day_births,day_deaths,save=False)

Scan 10 Tue Jul 30 15:04:00 2019 <no saving> default user = seb
loopscan 10 0.1

           #         dt[s]  current_world_population    day_births    day_deaths
           0             0               7.72307e+09        248062         98464
           1      0.723097               7.72307e+09        248066         98466
           2       1.45873               7.72307e+09        248071         98468
           3       2.21063               7.72307e+09        248075         98470
           4       2.94659               7.72307e+09        248075         98470
           5       3.73903               7.72307e+09        248080         98472
           6       4.49515               7.72307e+09        248085         98473
           7       5.21481               7.72307e+09        248089         98475
           8       5.97999               7.72307e+09        248089         98475
           9       6.78664               7.72307e+09        248094         98477

Took 0:00:07.647674
  Out [6]: Scan(number=10, name=loopscan, path=<no saving>)

A controller with severals counters

Here we have a controller which hold all sensor of a linux pc as a bliss SamplingCounter. Basically we use the sensors linux command.

The configuration:

- plugin: bliss
  package: linux_sensors
  class: Sensor
  name: sensor

The file

import re
from gevent import subprocess
from bliss.common.measurement import SamplingCounter,counter_namespace
from bliss.common.utils import autocomplete_property

class Sensor:
    def __init__(self,name,config): = name

    def counters(self):
        counters = [SamplingCounter(name,self) for name in self._read_sensors()]
        return counter_namespace(counters)

    def read_all(self,*counters):
        sensors_values = self._read_sensors()
        return [sensors_values[] for cnt in counters]

    def _read_sensors(self):
        p = subprocess.Popen("sensors",stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        exp = re.compile(b"^(.+?): *[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)")
        name2values = dict()
        name2nb = dict()
        for line in p.stdout.readlines():
            g = exp.match(line)
            if g:
                name,value =,
                name = name.decode()
                name = name.replace(' ','_')
                nb = name2nb.setdefault(name,-1) + 1
                name2nb[name] = nb
                if nb :
                    name2values[f'{name}_{nb}'] = value
                    name2values[name] = value
        return name2values


property .counters is used by standard scans to get counters of a controller.

In bliss console:

BLISS [1]: ls = config.get('linux_sensor')                                                                                                                                                                   
BLISS [2]: ct(1,ls)                                                                                                                                                                                          

Wed Jul 31 10:53:46 2019

          dt[s] =          0.0 (         0.0/s)
            CPU = 42.561797752808985 ( 42.561797752808985/s)
         Core_0 = 38.04494382022472 ( 38.04494382022472/s)
         Core_1 = 40.04494382022472 ( 40.04494382022472/s)
         Core_2 = 38.17977528089887 ( 38.17977528089887/s)
         Core_3 = 38.95505617977528 ( 38.95505617977528/s)
      Other_Fan =          0.0 (         0.0/s)
    Other_Fan_1 = 601.943820224719 ( 601.943820224719/s)
   Package_id_0 = 43.04494382022472 ( 43.04494382022472/s)
  Processor_Fan = 1000.0337078651686 ( 1000.0337078651686/s)
         SODIMM =          0.0 (         0.0/s)
       SODIMM_1 =         36.0 (        36.0/s)
       SODIMM_2 =         32.0 (        32.0/s)
  Out [2]: Scan(number=14, name=ct, path=<no saving>)

BLISS [3]: loopscan(5,0.1,ls,save=False)                                                                                                                                                                     

Scan 15 Wed Jul 31 10:54:59 2019 <no saving> default user = seb
loopscan 5 0.1

           #         dt[s]           CPU        Core_0        Core_1        Core_2        Core_3     Other_Fan   Other_Fan_1  Package_id_0  Processor_Fan        SODIMM      SODIMM_1      SODIMM_2
           0             0            40            36            34            39            38             0       597.286            41        1004.29             0            36            32
           1      0.102002            41            36            34            39            38             0       588.857            41           1005             0            36            32
           2      0.202884            41            36            34            39            38             0         591.5            41           1006             0            36            32
           3      0.304939            41            36            34            39            38             0         593.5            41           1007             0            36            32
           4      0.406526            41            36            34            39            38             0       595.333            41           1007             0            36            32

Took 0:00:00.576275
  Out [3]: Scan(number=15, name=loopscan, path=<no saving>)


You want to specify in the configuration of this controller which default counters are used for standard scan. To do it you have to provide a property .counter_groups which return a group default

first you need to change your configuration file to:

- plugin: bliss
  package: linux_sensors
  class: Sensor
  name: sensor
  default_counters: [Core_0,Core_1,Core_2,Core_3]

Manage the default_counters in the constructor of you controller

    def __init__(self,name,config): = name
        self.default_counters = [SamplingCounter(name,self)
                                 for name in config.get('default_counters',[])]

and add the property .counter_groups:

    def counter_groups(self):
        if self.default_counters:
            return namespace({'default':self.default_counters})
            return namespace({})


bliss standard scan look first the default group in .counter_groups if exist. if not get the counters for .counters property. For this controller if the default_counters is not in the configuration file or empty, default scan will enable all counters.

Final file :

import re
from gevent import subprocess
from bliss.common.measurement import SamplingCounter,counter_namespace,namespace
from bliss.common.utils import autocomplete_property

class Sensor:
    def __init__(self,name,config): = name
        self.default_counters = [SamplingCounter(name,self)
                                 for name in config.get('default_counters',[])]
    def counters(self):
        counters = [SamplingCounter(name,self) for name in self._read_sensors()]
        return counter_namespace(counters)

    def counter_groups(self):
        if self.default_counters:
            return namespace({'default':self.default_counters})
            return namespace({})

    def read_all(self,*counters):
        sensors_values = self._read_sensors()
        return [sensors_values[] for cnt in counters]

    def _read_sensors(self):
        p = subprocess.Popen("sensors",stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
        exp = re.compile(b"^(.+?): *[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)")
        name2values = dict()
        name2nb = dict()
        for line in p.stdout.readlines():
            g = exp.match(line)
            if g:
                name,value =,
                name = name.decode()
                name = name.replace(' ','_')
                nb = name2nb.setdefault(name,-1) + 1
                name2nb[name] = nb
                if nb :
                    name2values[f'{name}_{nb}'] = value
                    name2values[name] = value
        return name2values

In bliss console:

BLISS [1]: ls = config.get('linux_sensor')
BLISS [2]: ct(1,ls)

Wed Jul 31 14:20:03 2019

   dt[s] =          0.0 (         0.0/s)
  Core_0 =         36.0 (        36.0/s)
  Core_1 =         33.0 (        33.0/s)
  Core_2 =         41.0 (        41.0/s)
  Core_3 =         33.0 (        33.0/s)
  Out [2]: Scan(number=22, name=ct, path=<no saving>)

BLISS [3]: loopscan(5,.1,ls,save=False)

Scan 23 Wed Jul 31 14:20:21 2019 <no saving> default user = seb
loopscan 5 0.1

           #         dt[s]        Core_0        Core_1        Core_2        Core_3
           0             0            36            32            40            35
           1      0.101498            36            32            40            35
           2      0.203017            36            32            40            35
           3      0.304585            36            32            40            35
           4       0.40642            36            32            40            35

Took 0:00:00.541600
  Out [3]: Scan(number=23, name=loopscan, path=<no saving>)

BLISS [4]: loopscan(5,.1,ls.counters,save=False)

Scan 24 Wed Jul 31 14:20:30 2019 <no saving> default user = seb
loopscan 5 0.1

           #         dt[s]           CPU        Core_0        Core_1        Core_2        Core_3     Other_Fan   Other_Fan_1  Package_id_0  Processor_Fan        SODIMM      SODIMM_1      SODIMM_2
           0             0            39            36            33            36            34             0           587            40         998.75             0            35            32
           1      0.100959            39            36            33            36            34             0        586.75            40        999.625             0            35            32
           2       0.20197            40            36            33            36            34             0           586            40         1001.5             0            35            32
           3      0.303091            40            36            33            36            34             0       586.333            40        1003.11             0            35            32
           4      0.412361            40            36            33            36            34             0        587.75            40        1004.12             0            35            32

Took 0:00:00.576561
  Out [4]: Scan(number=24, name=loopscan, path=<no saving>)

Raw Counters

Here is an example when you cannot use the counter type defined in bliss core (sampling counter,integrating counter).

In this example the controller read the realtime currency conversion and export is special counters, one per currency conversion. Then for standard scan each counter create two AcquisitionChannel one bid and one ask


- plugin: bliss
  package: currency
  class: Currency
  name: curr

python code:

import requests
import json
import weakref
import numpy

from bliss.common.utils import autocomplete_property
from bliss.common.measurement import BaseCounter, namespace, counter_namespace
from bliss.scanning.chain import AcquisitionSlave, AcquisitionChannel

class Currency:
    def __init__(self,name,config):
        self.__name = name
        self.default_counters = [Counter(self,name)
                                 for name in config.get('default_counters',[])]
    def name(self):
        return self.__name

    def counters(self):
        return counter_namespace(Counter(self,name) for name in self.update().keys())

    def counter_groups(self):
        groups = {}
        if self.default_counters:
            groups['default'] = self.default_counters
        return namespace(groups)

    def update(self):
        r = requests.request(url="",method="GET")
        data = json.loads(r.content)
        return {convertion.pop('ticker').replace('/','_') : convertion
                for convertion in data['forexList']}

class Counter(BaseCounter):
    def __init__(self,financial,counter_name):
        self._controller = weakref.ref(financial)
        self._name = counter_name
    def controller(self):
        return self._controller()
    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def create_acquisition_device(self,scan_pars,**settings):
        return AcqDevice(self.controller,**scan_pars)

class AcqDevice(AcquisitionSlave):
    def __init__(self,financial,**scan_pars):
                                   npoints = scan_pars.get('npoints',1),
        self.counters = list()

    def add_counter(self, counter):
        channels = [AcquisitionChannel(self, f'{}:{k}', numpy.float, ())
                    for k in ['bid','ask']]

    def prepare(self):

    def start(self):

    def trigger(self):
        values = self.device.update()
        values_dict = dict()
        for counter in self.counters:
            for k in ['bid','ask']:
                values_dict[f'{}:{k}'] = values[][k]

    def stop(self):