MCA classes

ROIs counters

To see which ROIs are defined:

DEMO [1]: simul_mca.rois
 Out [1]: Name    start  end
          ------  -----  -----
          my_roi  200    800

Raw manual method to add a ROI

Use: add_roi(<name>, <start>, <stop>) command to add a ROI.

  • <name> (str): name of the ROI (must be unique)
  • <start> (int): start channel index
  • <end> (int): end channel index


DEMO [6]: simul_mca.rois
 Out [6]: Name    start  end
          ------  -----  -----
          my_roi  200    800

DEMO [7]: simul_mca.rois.add_roi("Aula", 350, 450)

DEMO [8]: simul_mca.rois
 Out [8]: Name    start  end
          ------  -----  -----
          my_roi  200    800
          Aula    350    450

This method to define ROIs is will be completed by higer level methods… TO BE CONTINUED…