Beacon settings


Beacon settings are helper classes to store data in the Redis database at runtime from Python code, using BLISS.

Use cases for settings:

  • on top of static configuration parameters

    • motor velocity, acceleration, limits
    • auto-gain on a Keithley
  • to persistently keep (or share) information across executions (or across processes)

    • selected counter for plot
    • enabled loggers, log level
    • scan saving path, file template…

Direct access to the Redis database

redis-cli is a command-line tool to directly access to the Redis database.

redis-cli -s /tmp/redis.sock -n 0

WARNING: redis-cli must be used with care, alteration of the database integrity can lead to very strange behaviour.

Never forget: “With great power comes great responsibility”

BLISS provides different classes for different kinds of settings.


The SimpleSetting class is used to store a scalar value:

  • int
  • float
  • string
  • bool

Main usages are:

  • to create the setting with a default value:

    sss = SimpleSetting(<key>, default_value=<value>)

  • to set a value to store: sss.set()

  • to read the stored value: sss.get()
  • to reset the value to the default one: sss.clear()

SimpleSetting Example

from bliss.config import settings
magicNumber = 63825363
sss = settings.SimpleSetting('myIntkey', default_value=magicNumber)
# <SimpleSetting name=myIntkey value=None>
# 63825363    # this is the default value.

# <SimpleSetting name=myIntkey value=b'42'>

# 42

# 63825363


redis-cli can be used to inspect the redis database:

% redis-cli -s /tmp/redis.sock -n 0
redis /tmp/redis.sock> keys my*
1) "myHkey"
2) "myIntkey"

redis /tmp/redis.sock> get myIntkey

After a restart of the session (or from another session):

from bliss.config import settings
sss = settings.SimpleSetting('myIntkey')
# 3.14

After a .clear(), the key is removed from Redis database:

redis /tmp/redis.sock> keys myIntkey
(empty list or set)

SimpleSetting behaviour

After instanciation (sss = SimpleSetting('aKey', default_value=42)), the SimpleSetting object returns the default_value. This default value is NOT saved in Redis database.

After a value has been set to the SimpleSetting object (sss.set(3.14)):

  • this value is stored in the Redis database
  • SimpleSetting object returns this value (sss.get())

After a clear() (sss.clear()), the key is removed from Redis database and the SimpleSetting object returns again the default_value.


default_value can be None, but a SimpleSetting cannot be set to None.

BaseHashSetting and HashSetting

The BaseHashSetting class is used to represent a dictionary of scalar values. HashSetting simply adds a kwarg (keyword argument) default_values that is a dictionary containing values taken as a fallback.

from bliss.config import settings
myDict = {"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}
hs = settings.HashSetting('myHkey', default_values=myDict)
                                      # note the 's' in default_values
# 'hs' acts now as a dictionary.
# value1
# value2
# 3333

Redis stores only key/value pairs that have changed:

% redis-cli -s /tmp/redis.sock -n 0
redis /tmp/redis.sock> hgetall myHkey
1) "key1"
2) "3333"

After a .clear(), the key is removed from Redis database.

A key can be added and removed:

bliss session:



hgetall myHkey
1) "key1"
2) "3333"
3) "newKey"
4) "45"

bliss session:



redis /tmp/redis.sock> hgetall myHkey
1) "key1"
2) "3333"


The QueueSetting class is used to represent a list of scalar values:

>>> myList = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
>>> sqs = settings.QueueSetting('myQkey')
>>> sqs.set(myList)


ParametersWardrobe is a more advanced object used to group simple settings and to be able to switch from one set of values to another set easly.

We call the different sets with the name of instances. Every instance has a name and share the same attributes with other instances.

You can imagine and visualize a ParameterWardrobe as a table where rows are the attributes and column are the instances. In fact we can use the values from one column/instance at a time.

The name of ParameterWardrobe comes from the idea of having some parts of the body to dress and suits of clothes to choose from, for example: working suit, night suit, swimming suit.

Let’s try an example with a dress object,

BLISS [10]: dress = ParametersWardrobe('dress')  # this creates a Wardrobe with a 'default' instance
BLISS [11]: dress.current_istance
BLISS [11]: 'default'
BLISS [12]: dress.add('body','shirt')  # adding some slots default dressing
BLISS [13]: dress.add('head','nothing')
BLISS [14]: dress.add('feet','tennis shoes')
BLISS [15]: dress.add('legs','jeans')
BLISS [16]: dress
  Out [17]: Parameters (default) -

              .body           = 'shirt'
              .creation_date  = '2019-06-05-12:38'
              .feet           = 'tennis shoes'
              .head           = 'nothing'
              .last_accessed  = '2019-06-05-12:38'
              .legs           = 'jeans'
So you have your default suit of dress, that you can use with dot notation inside your code:

BLISS [25]: dress.body
  Out [25]: 'shirt'

BLISS [26]: dress.body = "T shirt"
BLISS [27]: dress.body
  Out [27]: 'T shirt'

Values can be accessed and changed using dot notation.

At this point you would like to add another suit of clothes:

BLISS [28]: dress.switch("Night dress")
BLISS [29]: dress
  Out [29]: Parameters (Night dress) - default

              .body           = 'T shirt'
              .creation_date  = '2019-06-05-14:30'
              .feet           = 'tennis shoes'
              .head           = 'nothing'
              .last_accessed  = '2019-06-05-14:30'
              .legs           = 'jeans'

BLISS [30]: dress.body = 'Jacket'
BLISS [31]: dress.feet = "Nice shoes"
BLISS [32]: dress.legs = "Black trousers"
BLISS [33]: dress
  Out [33]: Parameters (Night dress) - default

              .body           = 'Jacket'
              .creation_date  = '2019-06-05-14:30'
              .feet           = 'Nice shoes'
              .head           = 'nothing'
              .last_accessed  = '2019-06-05-14:30'
              .legs           = 'Black trousers'

Now we have two instances of dress and we are currently using Night dress.

We can change values and visualize them. If no value is assigned to the instance, the default is taken.

Let’s add another instance and use a method to visualize all instances in a tabular form:

BLISS [34]: dress.switch('swim')
BLISS [35]: dress.feet = "nothing"
BLISS [36]: dress.head = "swim glasses"
BLISS [37]: dress.body = "nothing"
BLISS [38]: dress.legs = "swimsuit"
BLISS [39]: dress.instances
  Out [39]: ['swim', 'Night dress', 'default']
BLISS [40]: dress.show_table()
* asterisks means value not stored in database (default is taken)
# hash means a computed attribute (property)

                  swim (SELECTED)         Night dress             default
-------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
         body             nothing              Jacket             T shirt
creation_date  # 2019-06-05-14:37  # 2019-06-05-14:30  # 2019-06-05-12:38
         feet             nothing          Nice shoes        tennis shoes
         head        swim glasses           * nothing             nothing
last_accessed  # 2019-06-05-14:37  # 2019-06-05-14:30  # 2019-06-05-12:38
         legs            swimsuit      Black trousers               jeans

With .show_table() we have a complete vision of what is contained in all instances.

ParametersWardrobe can handle all basic types of data like:

  • string
  • bool
  • list (including numpy array)
  • tuple
  • dict
  • set

Let’s have another example:

BLISS [40]: all = ParametersWardrobe('all')
BLISS [41]: all.add('bool',True)
BLISS [42]: all.add('dict', {'index':'value'})
BLISS [43]: all.add('list')  # without passing a default value (will be None)
BLISS [44]: all.list = [1,2,3]  # assigning a value later
BLISS [45]: import numpy
BLISS [46]: numpy.ndarray((1,2,3))
  Out [46]: array([[[ 6.91528554e-310,  4.64581452e-310,  5.86245261e-160],
                    [ 6.91528554e-310,  4.64581452e-310, -1.39151878e+147]]])

BLISS [47]: all.list = numpy.ndarray((1,2,3))
BLISS [48]: all.list
  Out [48]: array([[[6.91528554e-310, 4.64581452e-310, 5.86245261e-160],
                    [6.91528554e-310, 4.64581452e-310, 1.39151878e+147]]])

BLISS [49]: all
  Out [49]: Parameters (default) -

              .bool           = True
              .creation_date  = '2019-06-05-14:43'
              .dict           = {'index': 'value'}
              .last_accessed  = '2019-06-05-14:43'
              .list           = array([[[6.91528554e-310, 4.64581452e-310, 5.86245261e-160],
                    [6.91528554e-310, 4.64581452e-310, 1.39151878e+147]]])

Useful methods of ParameterWardrobe are:

Here is a list of methods and purposes of ParameterWardrobe. To understand the usage details, just read the docstring with python’s help(...) method from the Bliss shell.


To add a new attribute to the Wardrobe


To switch the current instance to another one and creating it if needed.

.remove or purge

remove allows deleting instances or attributes. purge completely removes a ParametersWardrobe from redis.


Freezes the current instance copying values the default instance.

.to_dict and .from_dict

Allows to easily import/export instances, the main purpose is to have data in a form that can be used inside shell or scripts to do computation.

.to_file and .from_file

Saves and imports data using yml format to and from a file. The purpose is to dump instances and keep a copy for backup reasons. Not created for manipulation purposes. Keep in mind that exporting to file in fact freezes the data in the file, This means that if you are using an instance that takes some values from ‘default’ instance the act of writing to the file will hardcode these values to file. You should be aware that an instance imported from_file will have her own values for every attribute and will not use default ones.

.to_beacon and .from_beacon

The same purpose and behaviour than to_file and from_file, but the files are saved in Beacon on a subfolder called wardrobe as .dat files.


Gives the list of all instance names.

.creation_date and .last_accessed

Read only values (properties) that gives some information for ParameterWardrobe maintenance.